Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara, Nepal

TrIbhuvan University Employees Association (TUEA)

PN Campus Unit
Tribhuvan University Employees Association (TUEA) was founded on 14 Baisakh 2047 BS in Kathmandu, which was registered with the Kathmandu District Administration Office. But the PN Campus Unit of the association was established in Pokhara on 16 Baisakh 2047 BS. Initially the association was founded with an objective of safeguarding the professional rights and well-being of all its members.

The Tribhuvan University Employees Association (TUEA) PN Campus Unit represents approximately 104 administrative and support staff at the campus. The unit has constructed its own office building within the campus premises. It has also run an employee welfare fund to help the needy of its members by collecting an amount of Rs. 200 from its members, which will be returned to them upon their retirements.

The role of the unit is the vital one in creating an environment in the campus where both faculty members and students can enhance the teaching learning and research activities in the campus. All the members of the unit are committed to work with the campus diligently and effectively so that the quality of higher education could be achieved as per the mission and vision of the campus.

The following are the former presidents of the TUEA PN Campus Unit since its formation in 2048 BS:

  1. Jiva Nath Neupane (2048-2050 BS)
  2. Ram Bikram Rana (2050-2052 BS)
  3. Jiva Nath Neupane (2052-2054 BS)
  4. Jiva Nath Neupane ((2054-2056 BS)
  5. Ram Bikram Rana (2056-2058 BS)
  6. Ram Bikram Rana (2058-2060 BS)
  7. Prem Lal Baral (2060-2062 BS)
  8. Ram Bikram Rana (2063-2065 BS)
  9. Ram Bikram Rana (2065-2068 BS)
  10. Ram Bikram Rana (2068-2074 BS)
  11. Nava Raj Bastola (2074 BS – 2079 BS)

At present, the TUEA PN Campus Unit comprises of the following members, elected by the administrative staff of the campus:

  1. President - Dhan Bahadur Gurung
  2. Vice-President - Shree Ram Acharya
  3. Secretary - Tara Adhikari
  4. Joint Secretary - Sujata Ghamal
  5. Treasurer - Yubaraj Bastola
  6. Member - Gita K.c.
  7. Member - Sunita Gurung
  8. Member - Mohan Khadka
  9. Member - Om Lal Jalari
  10. Member - Sita Tamang
  11. Member - Rajeshwori Jalari


  • Smarika – 2048 BS
  • Smarika – 2069 BS
  • Smarika – 2073 BS

Dhan Bahadur Gurung
TUEA PN Campus Unit
Prithvi Narayan Campus (Tribhuvan University)
Bhimkalipatan, Bagar
Pokhara, Nepal
Phone: +977-9846054269